Radio Sweeper

Today I made a radio sweeper for the student radio station, KCFS. I messed around with Audacity for a while and found out how to create an echo sound with my voice and I pieced together some cool sound effects.  Here is the link to my sweeper:

Also, if you didn't listen to my radio liner, it is featured on this site as well.

Sequencing Video Project

In my Intro to Media and Visual Arts class, we worked on a project that focused on how to tell a story visually by sequencing a mix of different types of shots together. If you want to watch the finished product, click this link:

Radio Liner

For my radio lab, I usually do a radio show with my good pal, Cale Engelkes. We named the show "Two Chaps and a Mic". Since we cannot do the show and log hours in the radio lab, we had to get our credit for radio lab in different ways. I created a short radio liner for the KCFS student radio station. Here's the link to it: .
Also, here is a link to the Two Chaps and a Mic Youtube Channel:
You can also follow us on Instagram @twochaps_kcfs

Radio Story

Recently, I made a radio story for my Media Writing class. This story is about how the trucking industry has been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. Click the link and give it a listen!

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